Providing The Best Retail Solutions

As one of the world's leading ESL Solution providers, 3S Smart Retail focuses on providing better ESL solutions and promoting digital price display in the retail industry.


As A Retailer, Do You Face The Following Challenges?

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High costs

Manual replacement of paper labels leads to low efficiency and high overall cost.

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Complicated manual replacement is time-consuming and error-prone.

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Price difference

Numerous shops or information not synchronized between online and offline.

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Poor experience

Manual work or untimely updating of product price tags lead to customer complaints.

Focused On Retail Solution Since 2008

We are committed to optimizing and strengthening the three key factors of store operations, namely pricing, promotions, and costs. 3S intelligent retail maintains its industry-leading position through continuous development of innovative technologies. We have our own factory that can guarantee the quality, delivery time, and price of our products.


ESL Solution Benefits

With the development of automation management, the intelligent retail management mode will gradually replace the traditional retail mode and take the dominant position.

  • Real-time updates for batch price tags.
  • Reduced paper waste and labor costs.
  • Avoided manual errors.
  • Provided a new shopping experience.
  • Succeeded in improving margin by reducing costs and increases sales.

Why Choose Us?

3S Smart Retail maintains its industry leadership position by continuing to develop innovative technology. We have our own factory, which can guarantee the quality, delivery and price of the products.


High Cost-Effectiveness

Its manufacturing base with a strong mass production capacity of 10 millions, enabling it to provide high-quality products while minimizing costs to the fullest extent possible


Great POS Supports

Perfect compatibility with most POS systems, supporting price changes through mobile scanning and POS updates.


Comprehensive After-Sales Support

We are committed to tailoring competitive solutions for different retailers, providing free on-site installation and relocation services. Long-term after-sales support ensure your satisfaction and smooth business progress.


Hours Online Support


Days Per Week


Years Of Experience


Dedicated Customer Service